Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to Use NGSS Chemistry

How to Use NGSS ChemistryWhen the official translation of 'ngss' came out, a lot of people began to ask if this was really the last word for Nginx, or some other algorithm-based server to take its place. While it is true that it has not been superseded, there is a whole new type of tool known as NGSS Chemistry that will help you when it comes to understanding NGINX. This may be one of the most essential parts of using NGINX and it will help you understand everything that goes on behind the scenes.Nginx is best known for its configuration management, but it is also responsible for a huge amount of different other things including how the content is rendered, routing, security, compression, and much more. However, all of these components are integrated together into what is known as NGSS Chemistry. This section of the Nginx web server's configuration management application analyzes the different parts of NGINX and attempts to find how they work together. This is done with the intention of making it easier for the administrator to understand how everything is done, as well as to make sure that everything is working as intended.It is important to understand that the part of Nginx that is referred to as NGSS Chemistry is very complex and takes a lot of time to learn. This is because it has a number of different components that must be properly understood before it can be used in a positive way. However, once it is understood, it will become much easier to use. What this section of the Nginx web server configuration management tool does is compare various configurations and try to see if one configuration is better than another.If you want to see the full potential of configuration management tools, you should start to take advantage of NGSS Chemistry. You should have an understanding of how to use this program to compare several different configuration settings. It can also be used to make a point about how to combine different configuration elements to make a compl ete system. Understanding these different components and how they are used to help NGINX handle a huge amount of traffic is only possible through using the powerful analysis that this tool offers.If you want to optimize your Nginx web server to run much faster, you need to understand all of the parts that go into running a successful site. In order to do this, you need to have an understanding of NGSS Chemistry. This means that you need to take the time to learn how this tool works, as well as how it compares different configurations.The most important thing to remember about using NGSS Chemistry is that you must ensure that it is correctly configured properly. The reason for this is that the program will only give you a general picture of how the configuration works and will not give you a comprehensive insight into how everything is done.Even if you cannot understand all of the terminology involved in the design of a site, you should know that you can get a tremendous amount of in formation by learning how Nginx and NGSS Chemistry works together. Once you have learned what each part of these programs is designed to do, you will be able to choose the right settings for your site and run it with fewer problems. This means that you will be able to increase the speed at which your site can run and take advantage of all of the amazing features that NGINX offers.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How High School and College Students Can Setand AchieveAcademic Goals

How High School and College Students Can Setâ€"and Achieveâ€"Academic Goals This post is part of a month-long series to help you start 2018 on the right foot. Throughout January, visit the Varsity Tutors blog for advice, tips, and tricks on how to reignite your passion for learning this winter. Once the new year begins, many students aspire to set significant academic goals. Many high school and college students start the year with good intentions, but they ultimately fall short of the academic goals they set out to accomplish. Often, this is not for lack of trying; some students simply set goals they are ill-equipped to achieve. If you have experienced this in the past, dont let it stop you from setting goals in the present. There are many ways students can set and achieve their academic goals, such as setting realistic goals and making a plan for accomplishing each goal. For high school and college students, setting and achieving academic goals can be challenging. However, with a little preparation, knowledge, and follow up, youll be able to achieve yours. [RELATED: How Parents Can Help Students Setand AchieveAcademic Goals] Goal-setting tip #1: Choose realistic aims Many students fail to achieve their goals because said goals are impossibly difficult or out of their control. It's always a good idea to spend some time thinking about the outcome you wish to see and how you plan to get there. For example, you may hope to set the test curve in your introductory chemistry class, but you cant control how prepared other students are. Instead, set a measurable, achievable goal like dedicating one hour per day to mastering chemistry concepts. Understand what it might take for you to achieve your goal and know what your current capabilities are. In other words, when you set your academic goals for this year, ensure they are realistic. Goal-setting tip #2: Focus on diversity At times, students fail to accomplish their goals because they all fall into the same category. Its helpful if you spread your goals out across different disciplines. For example, your list might look something like this: Raise your grade in English literature Begin tutoring students in chemistry These two goals are different, but theyll help you achieve balance in your academic life while also working to improve your time in school on a broader level. Dont narrow your focus so much that you quickly tire and abandon your goalsinstead, seek variety. Goal-setting tip #3: Use a multi-step process Great goals are backed by plans that extend beyond achieving a certain outcome. Once youve thought about the outcome you want, think about what it might take to get therethen, write it down. If you hope to achieve an A in your English literature class, your plan might include: A general summary: keep up-to-date on assignments, do your reading on time, attend every class, etc. Specific, numerical goals: Earn at least a 90% on your first assignment, spend one hour per week with an English tutor, etc. Each goal you set should have an accompanying plan that provides guidance on achieving your goal and a place to record outcomes for each step, such as actual grades received or hours spent doing homework. Goal-setting tip #4: Identify your timeframe Goals can be categorized and approached differently, depending on the timeframe you identify for yourself. Some goals will have built-in timelineslike a semesters beginning and end. Others will be at your discretion. Either way, it is important to set a timeline, since it is easy to push off goals if you dont have set deadlines. You can divide your goals into short-, middle-, and long-term categories as you prepare your overall plan. Its wise to have goals in each category, in order to maintain balance and increase your chances of success. Write your timeline out in both short and long form, so you can have something available for easy reference and something with more detail to consult when you need to remind yourself what youre working toward. Goal-setting tip #5: Hold yourself accountable If you set yourself up for success, youll likely make progress on your goals. Check in on your timelines, evaluate your progress, and revise your plan as necessary. If it helps, you can reward yourself as you begin to achieve your goals, or bring a friend or parent into the process to help keep you on track. Stick with your plan, and youll likely achieve the goals you set for yourself. [RELATED: 3 Methods for Setting Goals] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is Financial Accounting

What is Financial Accounting Explaining Financial Accounting ChaptersUK GAAPA Breakdown of Financial AccountingWhere the Financial Accountant Comes InRequired Knowledge and SkillsEvery year, come tax time, we become painfully aware of the need to account: for our earnings and assets, our gains and losses and, of course, taxes on our property.For businesses, that accounting takes place year-round: shareholders, investors and the government all have an interest in the financial health of the company.Unlike our individual tax claim process which happens once per year, every three months â€" or quarterly, reports are published detailing businesses’ financial profile.Note that, even though we might need a certified public accountant once per year, even companies that only report to stockholders every six months need financial and managerial accountants year-round because the numbers continue to tally on a daily basis.Those reports are not generated by magic or by an algorithm. There are very real people crunching numbers every day to render the m ost accurate financial statements possible for reporting.Those people are financial accountants. They are the invisible monitors of a business’ financial status.Your Superprof now takes you behind the abacus, to lay bare the accounting process, accounting procedures and accounting system someone with an accounting degree might labour under.Please note that accountants have long moved away from abaci and most have even abandoned calculators in favour of the spreadsheet but the visual is right on point, isn’t it?Are you taking accounting courses? Studying accounting concepts and learning accounting theory?Whether you are preparing for your CPA exam or only just learning about debits and credits as an undergraduate, this article is for you.public security in investment. To that end, it acts as an independent regulator that promotes quality corporate governance and reporting.Interestingly enough, this council is funded by the businesses whose financial regulation it oversees!Still, there is government oversight in standards setting practices.The Companies Act of 2006 sets out minimum reporting requirements. They may require some companies to file their accounts with the Registrar of Companies, another government body that will, in turn, make company reports available to the general public.Conversely, they may encourage companies with international dealings to make their financial disclosures in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.This all sounds very convoluted but the bottom line is that the UK GAAP dictates to businesses in the UK how accounts must be prepared, and these principles work in accordance with the Companies Act of 2006.Find out if management accountants are held to the same rules...A Breakdown of Financial AccountingKeeping these standards and regulations in mind, financial accountants have one of two methods with which to perform their functions, or they may use a combination of both methods.The accrual method means t o record transactions as they occur, even if that requires projecting their completion.Let’s say someone buys something on credit. The revenue from that sale is only projected; the company will not see actual compensation until the payment is made, even if that payment is made in increments, over time.However, the transaction is treated as though it were complete for the purpose of bookkeeping because it gives a more accurate picture of the company’s financial condition at the time of that transaction.Larger companies whose revenue is derived from long-term payments would be severely impacted if they reported on their exact finances at any given period of time.Now we suppose a company, involved in a long-term project, only sees a trickle of income in each month.However, their production expenses â€" materials, personnel and operating costs, continue on as normal.That would reflect a dire financial statement indeed!That is why the accounting cycle â€" the name given to the proces s of recording accounting events, is so fundamental: making entries in the general ledger and maintaining the trial balance...By recording each transaction as complete at the time it is done, as opposed to cataloguing individual payments that might not offset operating costs, financial accountants give a clearer picture of the company’s financial standing.This method of revenue recognition is much more convoluted than cash accounting but deemed necessary because of today’s business practices.Cash accounting denotes recording transactions only when cash changes hands Source: Pixabay Credit StuxThe second method, cash accounting, entails recording transactions only when cash changes hands.Let’s say you buy £5000 worth of furniture from an independent furniture store, with the promise to pay in full by the end of next month.That transaction will not show up in their books until you have made your payment, even though the store’s inventory was diminished by that amount the mont h before.In the purest sense, this leads to some inaccuracy in accounting information because there is a gap between the inventory value and the financial value of the company until you pay for your purchase.Cash accounting does not provide an accurate picture of liabilities that have been incurred and not yet paid for.Furthermore, this accounting method impacts businesses at tax time because tax laws dictate that a company can only deduct business expenses that have occurred within the tax year, which may cause harm to a small business owner’s financial profile.Back to our furniture buyers, for a moment.They buy new furniture in March, with the payment due by April 30th, and that is the very date they make their payment. The furniture store will not be able to receive credit for this transaction on the previous year’s tax cycle.Most smaller businesses adopt this method of accounting because it is a simpler method of accounting, and more straightforward.Larger companies are requ ired by GAAP to use the accrual accounting method.Where the Financial Accountant Comes InThe role of the financial accountant is to record every financial transaction, using the generally accepted accounting principles, and prepare reports to that effect.S/he would collect data, analyse it and investigate variances. S/he also summarises that data and reports on positive or negative trends.Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations is mandatory! Therefore, financial accountants must stay abreast of every law and regulation change and implement those changes within his/her company.Working with managerial accountants, financial accountants provide financial advice by analysing operational issues; they develop recommendations and procedures to protect the company’s financial health.Ahead of shareholder and/or executive meetings, financial accountants conduct financial statement analysis, prepare special reports, help to prepare budgets and make financial forecasts.Should ther e be a financial inquiry, such as an audit â€" or worse: a forensic accountant is called in to examine a company’s accounting system! financial accountants gather and summarise data. They may be called on to interpret said data.With regard to taxation: financial accountants calculate quarterly estimated tax payments and prepare annual tax returns.Perhaps their most visible function is the preparation of quarterly and annual statements for government entities, company executives and shareholders.The sum total of knowledge, skills and abilities embodied in the financial accountant would not fit in a briefcase! Source: Pixabay Credit StockSnapRequired Knowledge and SkillsFar more than just basic accounting and being enraptured with numbers, there are a number of skills a financial accountant must embody.Knowledge of cost accounting, management accounting and principles of accounting in general, as they apply to the employing institution: those are accounting basics.Research skills al low for efficient investigating of financial matters and staying abreast of financial and accounting regulations.Statistical analysis permits such accountants to recognise business trends and advise for/against them, to make forecasts based on historical data and recognise outliers â€" a single event that impacted the business.The 2008 global financial downturn is an outlier; weak financial growth since then is a trend.Every financial accountant must have a sense of the business s/he accounts for.Obviously, a locally owned and operated business is not going to have the same financial profile or accounting needs as an international trading company.Even though they are not in on the actual decision making, because a part of the financial accountant’s duties involves making recommendations for the better health of the company, s/he must know a bit about the business and how to make it grow.Furthermore, in the case of mergers or takeovers, financial accountants should be on the front lines with their accounting information systems, ready to expound not only on the company’s assets but also on its liabilities.Summary: What is financial accounting?It is the process of recording, summarising and reporting transactions resulting from business operations within a specific period of timeSuch reporting can be done on a quarterly, biannual or annual basis and be done publicly, only to shareholders or only to tax authorities or other government entities.reporting may be done via a balance sheet, an income statement or a cash flow statementregardless of what type of reporting, the statements should reflect the company’s operating performance at the time of reporting.You could say that financial accountants have their fingers on the pulse of the business: from making recommendations to profitability, and reporting it.More so than an office suite in The Shard or a Lamborghini in the car park, financial accountants are the verity of any business.They are just not as visi ble or recognisable.Now discover the differences that define a managerial accountant from a financial accountant

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Education Reform Debate

Education Reform Debate President Barack Obamas proposal for education reform has been receiving strict opposition from many education administrators, according to an article in The New York Times. Recently, teachers unions and educators are leading the debate against lawmakers over Obamas Race to the Top education reform plan. Some state officials in California privately told The New York Times that Obamas proposed plan has a 50-50 chance (at best) of gaining the necessary approval to pass. The plan also needs $700 million from Washington. Obamas Race to the Top plan features a massive overhaul of Americas public school system. The plan sets to eliminate teacher tenure, expand charter schools and link teachers salaries directly to student performance. Teachers unions are strongly opposed to this new plan because they believe it is a direct attack on teachers. The California Teachers Association is a major player in the opposition to Obamas education reform plan. It is very influential in the area becaus e it regularly donates money to select politicians election campaigns. The California Teachers Association recently donated $7,800 to each Assemblyman Tom Ammiano and Senator Leland Yee, which is the maximum donation, according to The New York Times. Both are San Francisco representatives. Ammiano recently wrote bill that was passed by the California Assembly that limits the number of state-sanctioned charter schools at its current 1,450 schools, which is a direct opposition to Obamas plan to expand charter schools. Carlos Garcia, the San Francisco superintendent and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger are also opposed to this bill. However, neither can deny that California and San Francisco need the money that bill could offer them. The San Francisco Unified School District is currently facing a $113 million deficit. The Race to the Top plan would bring $20 million to the San Francisco school district. Garcia said that the plan is a strong-armed approach to education reform that is very similar to the Bush Administrations No Child Left Behind policy. Were tired of all that stuff, Garcia told The New York Times. Even if we get the money, Im not sure if we can implement all of that (the plans proposed policies). Garcia said that San Franciscos schools badly need the money, but he strongly opposes the bill. This is the type of dilemma that school officials and superintendents are facing throughout the nation. Many believe that this dilemma could be widespread enough to boost enough approval to pass the bill. Educators and students can only hope that the politics of money do not pollute policy makers decisions on Obamas Race to the Top. Most believe that the plans policies alone will not be enough to pass the bill. However, politics and money could sway opinions on the bill, which would reform Americas public education system.

Teaching a Sewing Group

Teaching a Sewing Group Sewing Teacher Jobs in Sewing Groups ChaptersThe Advantages of Teaching Sewing as a Member of a GroupTeaching Sewing in a GroupTeaching Sewing in Your Own Sewing GroupTerminology for Teaching SewingFinding Sewing Jobs“Whatever is beautiful is beautiful by necessity.” - PindarLearning to sew can put you in a good position to get sewing jobs in the textile industry! If everyone had the skill to make their own clothes, there’d be no need for hiring anyone.A lot of younger people are moving towards making their own clothes. Nobody’s happier about this news than the Singer sewing machine brand who’s seen sales of their machines increase by 10% since 2014.A new market has allowed disciplined designers to teach people the art of sewing hems, adding buttonholes or zips, and customising wardrobes.Is it that easy to become a member of a sewing group?In this article, Superprof is going to go over the advantages and the disadvantages of teaching people how to sew as a member of a group.Check here for different online tuto ring jobs UK for sewing. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Disc over all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Advantages of Teaching Sewing as a Member of a GroupWhether they’re novices or experts, a lot of students are looking to groups to learn to sew and, as a result, a lot of groups are recruiting qualified teachers.If you want to sew, a machine can really help you. (Source: Pedro_Torres)Since groups are cheaper and more fun, there are a lot of beginner sewing classes and basic sewing workshops where students can learn how to thread a needle, how to make stitches, and all the basic sewing techniques you'll need.But what about the teachers?Why should do a job search for this kind of work?Firstly, to discuss things. You can discuss things with beginners as well as the other teachers in the group. The classes offered by groups are often small. Thus, as an educator, you have the advantage of being able to commit more time to each student, give them personalised advice, and spend more time with them.You can start making the creations of your dreams. (Source: jackmac34)As I mentioned earlier, the friendly atmosphere in a group is one of its biggest benefits:everyone has their own strengths and weaknessesnobody judges anyone and everyone is there to improve their knowledge of their shared passionyou don’t need to already know how to sew in order to get startedA sewing workshop is a great way to meet people and learn more about arts and crafts. While this is definitely true for students, it’s also true for teachers. Sometimes learning new skills can be quite lonely. Meeting new people is a great way to learn about more things than just sewing.Who doesn’ t want to make new friends and go out for a drink or have a picnic?While you probably won’t become a famous fashion designer just by doing a simple sewing class, you can complete some interesting personal projects. The teacher can show you everything you need to know about sewing, fixing, or customising clothes. There’s no better feeling for a teacher than to see a student manage to sew their own made-to-measure clothes!A teacher also needs to adapt to needs of different levels. Some might be helping students to perfect different techniques or teaching an absolute beginner how to use a sewing machine whereas others might just want to patch up their favourite clothes.Teachers improve when they’re teaching and there’s nothing more rewarding than teaching tailored classes to private students.  It’s also important to encourage your students to give it their all if they want to progress.Do they want to learn how to make a hem? Why not teach them by making them create an entire pillowcase?Do they want to sew on a button?Make them fully customise one of their garments!You’ll definitely come across students who aren’t so sure of themselves. Your role is to show them that, with a bit of help and perseverance, they’re capable of anything.  There’s no greater satisfaction than seeing a student succeed when they thought they couldn’t! They’ll be proud of themselves and happy to have attended your beginner’s lesson.Teaching sewing can also help you develop your sense of creativity. In workshops, you can help students complete projects which may inspire you and give you a few ideas for other projects.Would you rather teach in a school?Teaching Sewing in a GroupFor those just starting to learn how to sew in adult classes, it’s a good idea to look for groups.If you don’t know any groups, don’t worry!You could also teach children how to sew. (Source: jackmac34)A quick search will sort that problem out. In this day and age, you don’t need to look very far if you have the internet.No matter what skills you want to learn, you can easily find plenty of sewing groups. A quick search for “sewing” will come up with plenty of results and you’ll have to work out how to separate the wheat from the chaff.You’ll soon find plenty of sewing groups in your town. You just need to get in touch with them and ask if they’re looking for a sewing teacher or somebody to teach:Simple sewingSewing for childrenCreating patternsRecycling clothesHandmaking clothesUsing scissors and other sewing equipment, a needle and threadChanging needles on a sergerUsing fusible interliningThere are sites and directories where you can search for groups near where to you live.It’s often a good idea to visit the group in person and see if you’d be happy teaching there. You should also attend a class for absolute beginners and make notes for your future group classes. Even if you already know how to make sewing patterns, sew on a button, make a hem, an d put together different fabrics, you need to know how to teach these things.Attending a class also helps you to understand how the students in the class feel and what they want out of their lessons. It’s also a good way to analyse the teaching style. Take notes and get ready for your own classes.Keep in mind that you’re not going to become a millionaire by teaching sewing classes in a group. In some cases, you’ll be volunteering or paid very close to the minimum wage.However, you can also offer private sewing tutorials. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTeaching Sewing in Your Own Sewing GroupIf there aren’t any sewing group s near you or you can’t get any regular work at one, why not start your own?Behind every fashion show, there are plenty of skilled seamstresses. (Source: AhmadArdity)Before you get started, think carefully about what you name your sewing group. You need to make sure that potential members know exactly what you’re offering. You should also check that the name isn’t taken by another group, either.You should also consider getting some people together to see if there’s actually any demand for such a group. If nobody’s interested in learning how to sew, it’d be pretty pointless setting up a sewing group.You can also offer lessons online from the comfort of your own home.Terminology for Teaching SewingWhether you’re a private sewing tutor, offering embroidery classes, group sewing classes, or online sewing tutorials, there are plenty of different ways to teach people how to sew their own clothes or clothes for their children.What Is a Sewing Pattern?This represents the garme nt you’re going to make. Sewing patterns are found on a sheet of paper and help the seamstress make the clothing.What Is Piping?Piping is a small strip of fabric or leather on the edge of a piece of fabric for decoration.Finding Sewing JobsDon't worry if you don't feel like teaching as part of a group. There are a lot of industries where sewing could be a useful skill for any job seeker.Whether you're looking for jobs, wanting to increase your salary by becoming a skilled worker, or just interested in learning a new skill, there's nothing stopping you from showing off your talent by learning how to sew your own clothes.If you're looking for jobs in the industry, make sure you head over to job websites and set up a job alert so you'll be notified when a recruiter is looking to add someone who knows how to sew to their workforce.Every time an employer, school or a recruitment agency wants to hire someone, the alerts will either show up in your inbox or via apps. You can define your alerts based on a certain keyword or set of keywords, qualification, job title, and even look for seasonal or temporary work.So what are you waiting for?You might just be the perfect candidate for a number of job openings. Update your CV or resume and kickstart your career in the fashion industry by applying for a new job!

Classifying Triangles

Classifying Triangles Triangles can be classified on the basis of two aspects, sides and angles. Triangles on the basis of sides are divided into three types: Equilateral triangle (in which all the sides are equal), Isosceles triangle (in which any two sides are equal), Scalene triangle (none of the sides are equal). Similarly, triangles on the basis of angles can be divided into three types: Acute triangle (each angle less than 90), obtuse triangle (one angle greater than 90), and right triangle (one angle measures 90 ). Example 1: If the perimeter of the triangle ABC is 21m and length of two sides of the triangle is 7m each respectively, then triangle ABC is classified as which triangle? Let the length of the third side be = x A Perimeter of a triangle = Sum of all the sides of the triangle Then, Perimeter = x + 7 + 7 = 21 Therefore, x + 14 = 21 == x = 21 14 = 7 B C This implies the length of the third side is also = 7m Since all the three sides of the triangle are equal in measure, hence triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle. Example 2: In triangle PQR, measure of angle P and measure of angle R is 50 and 40 respectively. Triangle PQR is classified as which triangle? Let the measure of angle Q be = x Sum of all the angles in a triangle = 180 Then, angle P + angle Q + angle R = 180 Therefore, 50 + x + 40 = 180 == x + 90= 180 == x = 90 Q R This implies that angle Q = 90 Since one of the angles in triangle PQR = 90, hence triangle PQR is a right triangle.

3 Important Study Skills for College Students

3 Important Study Skills for College Students Suzy S. Ready for college? Make sure your study skills are on track with these tips from Honolulu tutor Jinan B... Doing well in college is often a balancing act: you are learning so many new things, being exposed to new ideas and people, making friends, and having fun. Having good study skills will ensure that you both succeed in your classes and also make the most of your study time, so you also have time to experience the many other facets of life that college offers. As a professor at a large university, here are some tips I offer my students to enhance their study skills for college. 1. Confusion is good. That’s right, I said it. College is a time of great exploration, and learning requires making errors and experimenting. The key is to use any confusion you encounter as a jumping off point for digging deeper into the material. Welcome confusion as a chance to understand something more profoundly instead of becoming frustrated and giving up. College is an opportunity to develop a true sense of curiosity in learning, rather than simply memorizing material. You can also use confusion as a stimulus to engage and get to know your professor. As a professor, I am always appreciative when students bring me challenging questions with the desire to further their knowledge and understanding. It is also very clear to me that students are deeply invested in learning the material if they visit me during office hours to discuss any questions they have about the material. 2. Make use of all the resources you have. Colleges and universities offer an incredible network of support to students. This includes librarians, study skills centers, teaching assistants, and other students. Consider these individuals part of your path of learning, and you will reap great benefits from their advice, knowledge, and experiences. If you’re struggling with an assignment, reach out to another student or the teaching assistant in the class to troubleshoot. If you’re studying for an exam and don’t know how to approach the huge amount of material, sign up for a session at the study skills center. Or, perhaps you’re writing a paper and need help finding rich source material; check in with the librarian who may have excellent ideas for how to locate good materials. You can also find a private tutor to help you. 3. Study for the midterm and final from day one of the class. By learning the material in an organized, methodical way you will be in very good shape when exam time rolls around. Most college students wait until the last minute and then try to cram a few days before exams, but if you put in a few minutes a day of focused learning, you will be much better able to learn large amounts of material. When you are reading the assigned material, make it a point to write down the key ideas. This is one of the best study skills for college students to establish, as your notes will serve not only as a study guide later, but also as a way to concretize your understanding by writing the ideas in your own words. This makes you an active learner rather than simply passively reading the material. If you’re having trouble finishing the reading assigned for all of your classes, consider taking a speed reading class, which may be offered at your study skills center. Remember, college is a unique experience, so make the most of it by studying efficiently so you can both succeed and have time for extracurricular activities as well. With these tips, you will be poised to learn, succeed, and enjoy the journey! Jinan B. tutors in Life Science in Honolulu, HI. She is currently an  Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, teaching various courses including  Community Nutrition, Concepts in Nutrition Education, and Advanced Child and Adolescent Nutrition.  Learn more about Jinan here!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Richard Rosalion